
Posts Tagged ‘technology’

The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

Humanity has been innovative since the discovery of fire. But does curiosity and discovery embrace responsibility and avoid mishaps or catastrophes? Are there many of you who remember the triple calamity in Japan on March 11, 2011? A large earthquake triggered a major tsunami. Both of these major forces, earthquake and tsunami, were devastating to several seaside prefectures. Each prefecture had established neighborhoods that were several hundreds of years old. Thousands of its citizens died in this event. Nature’s forces hit those communities like never before. Wreckage and debris washed away from Japan that ended up on the western coast of the United States. This was clearly a devastating global event.

But the natural forces were compounded by the meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. This single event shut down a major facility and drastically restricted electric usage across Japan for the first time in 42 years. Japan is facing a scenario that modern societies have been wary to confront. What impact does the nuclear industry have on the economy of a nation? What are the risks when you have so much dependency on nuclear generated energy? What are safer or better choices for an energy policy and how can current policies be modified and implemented?

The Fukushima Dai-ichi plant is in a high seismic zone, and more vulnerable to natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had expressed concern about the ability of Japan’s nuclear plants to withstand seismic activity. What lessons could be extracted from this calamity? Are they universal lessons that should be applied in other countries, as well?

Read what the Japanese scientists and engineers are attempting to create to resolve radioactive emissions in their water supply. As Albert Einstein once said; “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

The future is our’s to create. The consequences of this disaster did not end with by rebuilding. Generations will be affected by radiation and others will die from its impact. We have other energy choices, depending on local resources. Sustainability is the holistic business model for the 21st century. So one major lesson is: we must be smarter to resolve issues when high technology meets Nature.
Jarvis Business Solutions, LLC
Contact Information
Email: Ralph.Jarvis@JarvisBusinessSolutions.com
Blog: http://horizons.JarvisBusinessSolutions.com
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Lead Smart, Endless Opportunities when Sustainability is driven by Lean Six Sigma

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RP Siegel, PE, is an inventor, consultant and author. He co-wrote the eco-thriller Vapor Trails, the first in a series covering the human side of various sustainability issues including energy, food, and water in an exciting and entertaining format. His thoughts include:

English: Toyota Prius V hybrid electric car ex...

English: Toyota Prius V hybrid electric car exhibited at the 2011 Washington Auto Show (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Participation had all the markings of a disruptive technology in its genesis, a solid number of enthusiastic early adopters, holding forth with their pride of ownership to a growing crowd of curious mainstream consumers who were asking lots of questions. That’s what I saw at the event I attended in suburban Penfield, NY outside of Rochester. A dozen or so EV owners stood beside their electronically powered steeds like proud papas pointing into the open engine, oops, I mean, motor compartments. There was a booth set up with a sign that asked how much does it cost to drive 100 miles? The answers, which were hidden under cardboard covers, were as follows:

  • gasoline car (25 mpg @ $4/gal = $16)
  • electric car (25 kWh @ $0.10/kWh= $2.50)
  • electric car charged by solar = $0

Read more about Electric Vehicles – Disruptive Technology


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Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2012

Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2012 (Photo credit: marcoderksen)

Analysts Examine Top Industry Trends at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, October 21-25 in Orlando

Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2013. Analysts presented their findings during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, being held here through October 25.

Gartner defines a strategic technology as one with the potential for significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years. Factors that denote significant impact include a high potential for disruption to IT or the business, the need for a major dollar investment, or the risk of being late to adopt.

A strategic technology may be an existing technology that has matured and/or become suitable for a wider range of uses. It may also be an emerging technology that offers an opportunity for strategic business advantage for early adopters or with potential for significant market disruption in the next five years. These technologies impact the organization’s long-term plans, programs and initiatives. Gartenr’s Top 10 include:

  1. Actionable Analytics
  2. In-Memory Computing
  3. Integrated Ecosystems
  4. Strategic Big Data
  5. Internet of Things
  6. Hybrid IT and Cloud Computing
  7. Mobile Device Battles
  8. Mobile Applications and HTML5
  9. Personal Cloud
  10. Enterprise App Stores

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Published by TED. Doris Kim Sung is a biology student turned architect interested in thermo-bimetals, smart materials that respond dynamically to temperature change.

“[Skin is] the first line of defense for the body.  Our building skins should be more similar to human skin.”       ~ Doris Kim Sung

Modern buildings with floor-to-ceiling windows give spectacular views, but they require a lot of energy to cool. Doris Kim Sung works with thermo-bimetals, smart materials that act more like human skin, dynamically and responsively, and can shade a room from sun and self-ventilate.

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As editor of WIRED, Chris Anderson is an authority on emerging technologies and the cultures that surround them.

Today, we have many sources of information and knowledge. That is true for topics surrounding Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Business Transformation, etc. I have discovered some very good videos that are supported by the Creative Commons (CC) license and comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). For more information, please go to originating sites for more information (TED, YouTube, and other  web sites). We hope you enjoy these videos and share with your friends and colleagues.

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The Future Is Our Choice
The 21st century will be a century of change, transformation, new ideas and innovation, and discoveries that will enrich our society.  We have entered a new industrial revolution.  An industrial change that acknowledges our environment, our current generation’s needs, our need to revisit best practices, our business need to transform and prepare our legacy to meet the needs for succeeding generations.

We currently have, in place, a budding Sustainability industry that will continue to grow, mature and expand in the next 20 years. This is not a siloed approach,  but an integrated solution approach that is tailored to fit each organization’s needs.

Ray Anderson, an industrialists and sustainability pioneer, once said; “I also believe that it doesn’t happen quickly … it happens one mind at a time, one organization at a time, one building, one company, one community, one region, one new, clean technology, one industry, one supply chain at a time … until the entire industrial system has been transformed into a sustainable system, existing ethically in balance with Earth’s natural systems, upon which every living thing is utterly dependent.”

Ideas will come from man-kind and “nature” will show us the path.  We will see a dance between Technology and Science that will build our economies as nothing before.  and Technological arrays, will focus on issues resolution through the use of technology. From science, biological and “natural” views, will focus on how to restore our environment. It will continue to build on array and matrix foundations, which will holistically support industries, countries and the world in the transformation to a sustainable planet.

Technological arrays will interconnect technologies for remediation of Sustainability issues (i.e.,  Transportation, Traffic, Internet, Water Purification, etc.). Environmental matrices will produce biological and “natural” views will make solutions for converting waste to bio-nutrients for the purpose of environmental restoration. This is a long-term mending and nurturing strategy to restore our planet.
We also have that heritage reflected in what Theodore Roosevelt said over a century ago; “To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.” We are at a crossroad to decide what direction we want to go.  Should we continue with the current direction with a dismal future or we decide to take another route that eliminates waste, understands how the environment natures us, transforms our businesses, industries and countries into sustainable societies for future generations of mankind? We do have a choice.

The Choice Is Ours To Decide
In this century, business will be the true catalyst for pragmatic Sustainability transformation.  This is a systematic approach of eliminating waste, improve efficiency,  addressing customer needs, and recognizing corporate social responsibilities. Sustainability is a systemic framework to address economic, environmental, social and technological issues, to create a sustainable world and avoid declining ecosystems and the extinction of mankind as we know it. The business community has begun to implement Sustainability and has proven that change can indeed be profitable.

What do we need? The wisdom to recognize our changing world, the understanding of the actions we need to make, and knowledge that hesitation will only prolong the consequences of a poorly appreciated and abused  resource, Our Earth.

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